
欢迎来到OmniFocus 4

OmniFocus 4在Mac、iPhone、iPad和Apple Watch上引入了一系列新功能和现代化、统一的界面。围绕您的任务大纲,OmniFocus 4为您的所有Apple设备带来一致的体验,针对每种设备类型进行了优化。

使用OmniFocus 4,无论您走到哪里,每天都能完成更多工作。

OmniFocus 4需要iOS16、iPadOS 16和watchOS 9。

适用于iPhone、iPad和Apple Watch的OmniFocus 4.0

通用购买-OmniFocus 4是一种通用跨平台购买:只需购买或订阅一次许可证,即可在您的Mac、iPhone、iPad和Apple Watch上完全访问OmniFocus 4。


流体布局-流体轮廓布局经过重新设计,可快速访问与您最相关的项目详细信息。默认情况下,项目显示分配的项目、标签、截止日期和标志状态,选择一行可立即编辑访问这些字段以及项目的注释。使用OmniFocus Pro,可在应用程序范围或每个透视图的基础上自定义显示的字段(包括重新排序可见字段,以及选择仅在编辑项目时显示的字段)。




iPhone导航-在OmniFocus 4 foriPhone中打开任何透视图,直接进入任务列表,避免在数据库结构中进行不必要的导航。


侧边栏-OmniFocus for Mac侧边栏在单个交互式列表中显示当前视图的完整层次结构,已被带到iPhone和iPad。在侧边栏中进行选择以过滤任务大纲中显示的内容,通过选择模式创建多选择,或在编辑模式下编辑您的项目或标签列表。在iPad上,侧边栏可以完全折叠以最大化屏幕空间。在iPhone,侧边栏在被召唤之前一直处于视图之外。

快速打开-使用快速打开(现在支持iPhone和iPad)快速导航到透视图、文件夹、项目、标签或Omni Automation插件。(Omni Automation需要OmniFocus Pro。)


现代化的用户界面-更新了OmniFocus 4界面,在iOS17、iPadOS 17和watchOS 10上感觉新鲜、熟悉和如家。

应用程序图标-从备用应用程序图标集合中进行选择,包括新的OmniFocus 4应用程序图标和原始OmniFocus 1应用程序图标(应用程序图标自定义需要OmniFocus Pro)。

自定义透视图图标-从100多个新的自定义透视图图标中进行选择。(自定义透视图需要OmniFocus Pro)



视图选项-视图选项自定义现在可以跨设备同步。(布局自定义,在OmniFocus Pro中可用,可在相同类型的设备之间同步)



新项目类型-现在可以在预测中显示标记的项目和通知日期的项目。(在通知日期显示项目需要OmniFocus Pro。)



独立手表应用程序-苹果手表的OmniFocus 4是一个自主应用程序,可以独立于OmniFocus安装和运行iPhone。苹果手表的OmniFocus 4中所做的更改直接同步到服务器。

完整的数据库访问-OmniFocus for Apple Watch现在将您的完整OmniFocus数据库同步到手表应用程序中,允许访问Apple Watch中的所有项目和透视图。



复杂性-表盘复杂性已完全重写,提供比以前版本的手表应用程序更好的功能,并添加了对watchOS 10 Smart Stack小部件的支持。


焦点-iPhone和iPad现在支持焦点。使用焦点暂时将所有视角的OmniFocus数据库范围缩小到仅选定的文件夹或项目。(焦点需要OmniFocus Pro。)


小部件-使用OmniFocus 4小部件阵列配置锁屏或iPhone待机模式。直接从iOS17和iPadOS 17上更新的交互式小部件完成项目。在watchOS 10上,在全新的智能堆栈中查看OmniFocus小部件。


支持的语言-OmniFocus现已本地化为阿拉伯语和希伯来语,此外还有英语、中文、荷兰语、法语、德语、韩语、日语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、俄语和西班牙语。OmniFocus foriPhone和iPad界面已更新为支持从右到左的文本。



备份-OmniFocus数据库备份现在可以选择保存到iCloud Drive。

菜单-各种上下文适当的操作已添加到重新组织的快捷菜单(也称为上下文菜单)中,提供与OmniFocus for Mac快捷菜单中可用的功能同等的功能。





>设置-以前只能在OmniFocus for Mac中配置的同步设置,例如默认延迟和到期时间,现在可以在新的重新组织的设置界面中使用。

Welcome to OmniFocus 4

OmniFocus 4 introduces an array of new features and a modernized, unified interface across Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Centered around your task outline, OmniFocus 4 brings a consistent experience, optimized for each device type, to all of your Apple devices.

Accomplish more every day—anywhere you go—with OmniFocus 4.

OmniFocus 4 requires iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 9.

OmniFocus 4.0 for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

Universal Purchase — OmniFocus 4 is a universal cross-platform purchase: get full access to OmniFocus 4 on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch with a single license purchase or subscription.


Fluid Layout — Fluid outline layout has been redesigned to provide quick access to the item details most relevant to you. By default, items display assigned project, tags, due date and flag status, and selecting a row provides immediate editing access to these fields as well as the item’s note. With OmniFocus Pro, customize displayed fields on an app-wide or per-perspective basis (including re-ordering visible fields, and selecting fields to display only when editing an item).

Inline Editing — Add new items or quickly edit an existing item without ever leaving the task outline.

Action Groups — Action groups can now be expanded or collapsed in the task outline, allowing you to create and view as much (or as little!) structure within a project as you need.

App Navigation:

iPhone Navigation — Opening any perspective in OmniFocus 4 for iPhone brings you directly to your list of tasks, avoiding unnecessary navigation through your database structure.

Perspectives Bar — The Perspectives Bar is now available on iPhone and iPad, so your favorite perspectives are always one tap away.

Sidebar — The OmniFocus for Mac sidebar, which displays the full hierarchy for the current view in a single interactive list, has been brought to the iPhone and iPad. Make a selection in the sidebar to filter the content displayed in the task outline, create a multi-selection via Select mode, or edit your projects or tags list in Edit mode. On iPad, the sidebar can be fully collapsed to maximize screen space. On iPhone, the sidebar stays out of view until it is summoned.

Quick Open — Use Quick Open, now supported on iPhone and iPad, to quickly navigate to a perspective, folder, project, tag, or Omni Automation plug-in. (Omni Automation requires OmniFocus Pro.)

App Appearance:

Modernized UI — Updated OmniFocus 4 interface to feel fresh, familiar, and right at home on iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10.

App Icon — Select from a collection of alternate app icons, including the new OmniFocus 4 app icon and the original OmniFocus 1 app icons (App icon customization requires OmniFocus Pro).

Custom Perspective Icons — Choose from over 100 new custom perspective icons. (Custom perspectives require OmniFocus Pro)

App Customization:

Inspectors — Customize which fields are included in the re-designed Inspector, as well as what order those fields are displayed in.

View Options — View Option customizations now sync across devices. (Layout customizations, available in OmniFocus Pro, sync between devices of the same type)


Structure — Forecast items can now be structured as a single flexible list, with new support for manually re-ordering items and displaying group hierarchy.

New Item Types — It is now possible to display flagged items and items on their notification date in Forecast. (Displaying items on notification date requires OmniFocus Pro.)

Custom Perspectives — New flexible organization options introduce support for manually re-ordered lists and hierarchy preservation in ungrouped custom perspectives.

Apple Watch —

Independent Watch Application — OmniFocus 4 for Apple Watch is an autonomous application that can be installed and run independently of OmniFocus for iPhone. Changes made in OmniFocus 4 for Apple Watch sync directly to the server.

Full Database Access — OmniFocus for Apple Watch now syncs your full OmniFocus database into the watch app, allowing for access to all items and perspectives from your Apple Watch.

Perspectives List — The watch app Home Screen now displays a list of favorite perspectives.

Item Details — View additional details associated with an item, like notes and attachments, from the watch app. Items can now also be dropped from the watch app, in addition to completed, flagged, or deleted.

Complications — Watch face complications have been fully re-written, offering improved functionality over previous versions of the watch application, and support has been added for watchOS 10 Smart Stack widgets.

Nearby — Location-based tags can once again be viewed on a map in Nearby.

Focus — Focus is now supported on iPhone and iPad. Use Focus to temporarily narrow the scope of your OmniFocus database across all perspectives to just the selected folders or projects. (Focus requires OmniFocus Pro.)

Keyboard Support — Hardware keyboard shortcut and navigation support has been fully rewritten and expanded, with support for native keyboard navigation, organized menus of key commands, and a full set of new bare key keyboard shortcuts.

Widgets — Configure your Lock Screen or iPhone Standby mode with an array of OmniFocus 4 widgets. Complete items directly from updated interactive widgets on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. On watchOS 10, view OmniFocus widgets in the brand new Smart Stack.

Sharing — Quick Entry interface is now presented when sharing items to OmniFocus, allowing for immediate capture of additional details, like dates and flagged status.

Supported Languages — OmniFocus is now localized in Arabic and Hebrew in addition to English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. OmniFocus for iPhone and iPad interface has been updated to support right-to-left text.

Accessibility — Improved VoiceOver support and compatibility with native OS Accessibility features.

Attachments — New “Attach File” attachment option allows for selecting arbitrary files from within OmniFocus, or attaching any type of file via the updated Share extension.

Backups — OmniFocus database backups can now be optionally saved to iCloud Drive.

Menus — A variety of context-appropriate actions have been added to re-organized shortcut menus (also called contextual menus), offering feature parity with functionality available in OmniFocus for Mac shortcut menus.

Dates — Entering dates as natural language text (i.e. “tomorrow” or “next Thursday”) is now supported. Completion and dropped dates can now be set prior to completing or dropping an item.

Default Perspectives — Tags perspective can now be sorted by flagged and due date; grouping in the Flagged perspective can now be customized.

Notes — Full rich text note support is now available in OmniFocus on iPhone and iPad.

Repeats — Updated repeat logic for items which complete every period on a custom schedule after completion.

Settings — Synced settings previously only configureable in OmniFocus for Mac, like default defer and due times, are now available in a new re-organized Settings interface.
